Corinna Dunkel
Frohnauer Str. 147
13465 Berlin
+49 30 4017916
Fotos: Caroline Fayette, Nick Großmann
Video: Jonas Dunkel
text: Claudia Kursawe
translation: Norbert Zänker
design: Merlin Dunkel
implementation: Marko Giese
Disclaimer of liability
This website serves merely the information. The agency Corinna Dunkel has put together with the biggest care and after the best knowledge the contents of this site, no guarantee takes however over for the kind or correctness of the material. Moreover, no liability (including liability for indirect loss or profit losses or sales losses) is assumed with regard to the material or contents or the use of this material or contents.
Tip to links
With judgment from the 12th of May, 1998 the district court of Hamburg has decided that one has to answer for the contents of the linked side if necessary with by equipment of a link. This is able, according to the district court, are prevented only by the fact that one expressly dissociates himself from these contents. For all links laid on this site the agency Donellydesign expressly points out to the fact that it has no influence on the creation and the contents of the linked sides.
Copyright tips
All company names called on this website, logos and/or product names are protected to a large part or trade mark of the respective companies. The agency Donellydesign points out further to the fact that all contributions published on this website, pictures and pictures are protected by copyright. Every utilisation not admitted by the copyright law needs more previously written approval of the agency Donellydesign.
Liability exemption
You agree with the use of this website to release the agency Donellydesign from any liability, any claim and any financial demand., Among the rest, this explanation encloses lawyer's costs which presented for third or partly by from you, published or transmitted contents by the use of this website from which connection with this website or by the injury of some rights of another natural or legal entity originates.